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Faith In Business Part 3

Oct 23, 2023


He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform. Romans 4:20-21


In this last blog on faith in business, I am going to discuss the truth that all business owners should believe. That God is able to accomplish what he has promised. When you hear God, you know his voice, his leading, and step out in faith to start your business, you walk on solid ground. This truth depends on the first two: 1. Believing that God has called you to this, and 2. Believing that you can do what God has called you to. Being fully convinced takes a faith that can only come from a relationship with Jesus. Knowing His voice, being familiar with His Word, gives you this confidence.


How does God accomplish what he promised? That depends on your situation and need. Many times, God aligns you with people who come along side and partner with you. They may not form a "partnership" with you, but they want to see you succeed. There are plenty of famous partnerships like Apple's start up with Steve Jobs, Ronald Wayne and Steve Wozniak and Hewlett and Packard. Partnering with others allows you to magnify your efforts and focus your resources toward a common goal. God will put people in your path that will come along side your vision.


When you show up and do what God has created you to do, good things happen in your life. The principle of sowing and reaping applies in business as well as anywhere else. If you help others, you will be helped. If you live your life with the attitude of service, you will be served. A financial advisor once sent a select few of her clients a $100 bill. She included a note that said something like, "Please use this to be a blessing to someone today. Whoever you choose, even if that's your family, pass on this seed." From that small gift, the advisor reaped a ton of goodwill from the community. It wasn’t her intent, but from that generosity, she received a flood of referrals. Look for opportunities to be a blessing in your community and see how God repays you.


Sometimes we can get off course of our initial vision. You can feel like you are sludging through and not moving forward. It may be mission drift. Doing things you aren't called to do, diving into waters without being given permission gets us all in trouble. Thankfully, God is a redeemer. If we repent and call on Him, he is a very present help in times of trouble. Keep your vision in front of you. Re-visit what you wrote down as to why you are in business and where you believe God is taking it. If you get outside the lines that God has set, you run the risk of failure.


Read Psalm 46:1-2, Romans 4:17-22, Romans 8:28.


If that helps you, please comment, like or share with someone. The calling to be an entrepreneur isn’t easy. We need each other. Reach out to me at [email protected].


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